I can imagine some people not enjoying The World's End. People who don't care about - or even notice - cinematic craftsmanship, people who think that being self-referential means being…
For those readers tuned into these things, clear evidence emerged this week of the ‘end of days’ and our impending annihilation - culturally at least. Simply put, Twilight: Eclipse is…
I got some feedback on this column the other day. Apparently I “write well” but I “don’t like much”. Perhaps I am a little jaded after four and a half…
Of all directors currently working in the Hollywood mainstream Michael Mann is arguably the greatest stylist. No one at the multiplex has more control of the pure aesthetics of filmmaking,…
The allotment is one of the United Kingdom's greatest achievements, unrepeated I believe anywhere else. In exchange for moving in to shoeboxes stacked upon each other the British poor were…