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iTunes Sentience (pt 2)

By Hurricanes, iTunes, Music, Wellington

Gary Numan - Complex sleeveApologies for the lack of entries this week. The real world has inter­vened – but in a good way for a change. This sunny after­noon, pre­par­ing to take in my first two Fringe shows of the sea­son, iTunes threw Gary Numan’s live ver­sion of Bombers at me, fol­lowed by New Order – Shellshock.

What a great way to start the weekend!

I’ll try and squeeze the Hurricanes and Cats in between shows and if I can pull that off I’ll be a very happy man.

Tonight’s Cricket

By black caps, Cricket, Sport

20/twenty, or 20–20, or whatever they call it offi­cially got my vote this even­ing. Very cool. As a con­sumer that just com­mit­ted to Saturday’s first ODI, I am thrilled at the West Indies fight-back. As a Black Caps fan my response has to be: ????

Other thoughts…

  • Chris Cairns was either wear­ing a shirt that was a little bit too small or he had a very enjoy­able Christmas
  • I hope they iced Bravo up big-time as I want to see him at his best on Saturday
  • Chris Gayle’s afro is awe­some – I love it. Like Jimi Hendrix without the headband.
  • Nobody can bowl straight under pres­sure except for Shane Bond!

The Revenge of Gaia

By Current Events

The Guardian reviews James Lovelock’s updated warn­ing to human­ity about the state of our planet:

Lovelock is at pains to sug­gest escape routes, most con­tro­ver­sially by call­ing for the rap­id expan­sion of nuc­le­ar energy pro­grammes, the one large-scale, carbon-free type of power gen­er­a­tion we possess.